New Human Solution


The STABFOR® unit and BIONANOSTOP® technology is designed for the treatment of water and water systems in the agricultural sector.

The results of the ever-increasing chemicalisation of water and soil:

  • Suppresses the development of natural causes of soil fertility (humus) formed by hundreds of plant and animal species = exhausted soil and crops without sufficient nutrients
  • Water quality deterioration – increasing chemicals (chlorine, pesticides, hormones, pharmaceuticals, etc.) in drinking water. Organic toxins are normally found in 300 m deep wells, spring chemicals, etc.
  • Chemicals in waste water = contaminated streams, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans = contaminated aquatic animals
  • Retaining rainwater without proper treatment creates a much stronger "microbial chemical solution" that waters gardens = much more polluted water returns to soil, water and air than when it rains
  • Gradual deterioration of the environment = deterioration of the whole plant and animal kingdom, with consequent deterioration of human health

There is a solution, our technologies heal water and soil.

What will our non-toxic water treatment bring you? What can you look forward to with us?

Effects of water treated by our technologies in plant and animal production:

  • Protection of watered crops and plants against diseases caused by microorganisms
  • Increased production of watered crops
  • Increased germination of watered plants
  • Gradual shortening of the growing process
  • Significant reduction to complete reduction of the use of chemicals in water
  • Gradual levelling of the soil biome over several years
  • Crops in better than BIO quality
  • Improved animal health
  • Increased production in better than BIO quality
  • Improved quality of meat, milk
  • Extension of the shelf life of meat, milk and dairy products
  • Improved reproduction functions
+420 777 818 252
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New Human Solution s.r.o. U Zámečku 196, Poříčí,
373 82 Boršov nad Vltavou

Office hours: individually by telephoneIČ: 04435940